Quest for Best Seattle, Sep. 24, 2011 | Junior Silver Standard - 2nd in field of 7 | Junior Silver Latin - 2th in field of 10 | Youth Silver Standard - 2nd in field of 11 | Youth Silver Latin - 2nd in field of 10 | Youth Gold Standard - 4th in field of 7 | | | |
Seattle Star Ball Seattle, Washington, 8/6/11 | Junior Silver Standard - 2nd in field of 5 | Junior Silver Latin - 4th in field of 5 | Youth Silver Standard - 2nd in field of 7 | Youth Silver Latin - 7th in field of 8 | Junior Gold Standard - 2nd in field of 4 | Junior Gold Latin - 4th in field of 4 | Youth Gold Standard - 3rd in field of 6 | Youth Gold latin - 4th in field of 6 |
River City Ball Portland, Oregon, 7/16/11 | Junior Silver Standard - 1st in field of 5 | Junior Gold Latin - 2nd in field of 2 | Youth Silver Standard - 1st in field of 6 | Youth Gold Latin - 2nd in field of 2 | Junior Gold Standard - 1st in field of 2 | | Youth Gold Standard - 1st in field of 2 | |
Columbia Star Ball Portland, Oregon, 5/7/11 | Junior Silver Standard - 1st in field of 4 | Junior Silver Latin - 3rd in field of 6 | Youth Silver Standard - 2nd in field of 5 | Youth Silver Latin - 3rd in field of 7 | | |
Quest For The Best, Seattle, Washington, 4/23/11 | Junior Silver Standard - 2nd in field of 9 | Junior Silver Latin - 5th in field of 8 | Youth Bronze Standard - 1st in field of 6 | Youth Bronze Latin - 2nd in field of 6 | Youth Silver Standard - 4th in field of 8 | | | |
USADance National Championships Baltimore, MD 4/9/11 - 4/10/11 | Junior Bronze Standard - 1st in field of 4 | Junior Bronze Latin - 1st in field of 4 | Junior Silver Standard - 1st in field of 5 | Junior Silver Latin - 5th in field of 8 | Youth Bronze Standard - 2nd in field of 3 | Youth Bronze Latin - 1st in field of 2 | | |
City of Roses Ballroom Classic Portland, Oregon 3/26/11 | Junior Silver Standard - 1st in field of 3 | Junior Silver Latin - 2nd in field of 4 | Junior Gold Standard - 1st in field of 1 | Junior Gold Latin - 1st in field of 1 | Youth Silver Standard - 1st in field of 2 | Youth Silver Latin - 2nd in field of 3 | Youth Gold Standard - 2nd in field of 2 | Youth Gold Latin - 2nd in field of 2 | | |
Quest For The Best, Seattle, Washington, 1/29/11 | Junior Bronze Standard - 1st in field of 13 | Junior Bronze Latin - 1st in field of 14 | Junior Silver Standard - 1st in field of 5 | Junior Silver Latin - 2nd in field of 5 | Youth Bronze Standard - 2nd in field of 7 | Youth Bronze Latin - 1st in field of 7 | Youth Silver Standard - 4th in field of 9 | Youth Silver Latin - 3rd in field of 9 | | |
Northwest DanceSport Championships, Seattle, Washington, 10/23/10 | Junior Bronze Std. - 2nd in field of 14 | Junior Bronze Latin - 2nd in field of 12 | Junior Silver Std. - 3rd in field of 6 | Junior Silver Latin - 6th in field of 8 | Youth Bronze Std. - 3rd in field of 10 | | | |
Oregon Fall Festival, 10/9/2010 | Junior Silver Standard - 1st in field of 6 | Junior Silver Latin - 2nd in field of 6 | Junior Gold Standard - 1st in field of 3 | Junior Gold Latin - 1st in field of 3 | Youth Silver Standard - 3rd in field of 7 | Youth Silver Latin - 3rd in field of 7 | Youth Gold Standard - 1st in field of 3 | Youth Gold Latin - 2nd in field of 3 | | |
Seattle Star Ball, 8/7/2010 Seattle, Washington
| Junior Bronze Std. - 1st Place (10) | Junior Bronze Latin - 2nd Place (10) | Junior Silver Std. - 3rd Place (7) | Junior Silver Latin - 5th Place (9) | Youth Bronze Std. - 5th Place (14) | Youth Bronze Latin - 2nd Place (12) | | |
River City Ball, 7/17/2010, Portalnd, oregon. They earned two of the three scholarship!
| Junior Bronze Intl. Multi-Dance Combined - 1st Place (10) Junior Silver Intl. Multi-Dance Combined - 3rd Place (4) Youth Bronze Intl. Multi-Dance Combined - 2nd Place (7)
Junior Bronze Std. - 1st Place (5) | Junior Bronze Latin - 1st Place (7) | Junior Silver Std. - 2nd Place (4) | Junior Silver Latin - 3rd Place (6) | Youth Bronze Std. - 2nd Place (7) | Youth Bronze Latin - 3rd Place (8) | | |
Columbia Star Ball, Portland, Oregon, 5/8, 5/9/2010 | Junior Bronze Std. - 2nd Place (7) | Junior Bronze Latin - 2nd Place (6) | Junior Silver Std. - 3rd Place (6) | Junior Silver Latin - 4th Place (6) | Youth Bronze Std. - 4th Place (6) | Youth Bronze Latin - 4th Place (6) | | |
City of Rose Ballroom Classic (3/13/2010), Portland | Junior Bronze Standard - 2nd Place | Junior Bronze Latin - 1st Place | Junior Silver Standard - 2nd Place | Junior Silver Latin - 3rd Place | Youth Bronze Standard - 2nd Place | Youth Bronze Latin - 1st Place |